Russ – History

Russ - in cockpit

Russell Edward Murphy

March 2, 1918 – March 16, 1944





                             Russ - killed report Gen engagement

Lieut. Russell E. Murphy, 26, formerly of Elma, was killed in an airplane crash at the air field at Valdosta, Ga., last week. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy of Elma, and a cousin to Mrs. Emmett McGuire of Osage.

Lieuteant Murphy was engaged to be married to Genevieve Sullivan, Waterloo, a sister to the five Sullivan brothers who lost their lives at the same time and whose memory has been honored by the whole nation. Before he entered the service Lieutenant Murphy assisted his father on the home farm near Elma.

Funeral service was held Wednesday morning at 9 o’clock at the Catholic church at Elma.

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