Letters of Sympathy

Russ – letter – 1944-03-21-from Mayme to Family:Russ - letter-1944-03-21-Mary to Family-env





Russ - letter-1944-03-21-Mary to Family-page 1

Russ - letter-1944-03-21-Mary to Family-page 2Russ - letter-1944-03-21-Mary to Family-page 3

423 No. Lake St.
Madison, Wis.
Mar. 21-1944

Dear Jim, Lena and Family:

It pains me to write this letter to you for I was shocked to hear of Russell’s death, and you folks have had so many sudden deaths in the family the last few years.
But it is God’s Will, not ours that must be done and I hope that God will give you strength to bear up under it all.
I was so sorry that I couldn’t of gone out to the funeral and as time of funeral was indefinite was hard to get away for I am tied up here pretty close with Nell who is not a bit good and Mary in a sanitarium.
I’ve been here since Lizzie died in December and every week think will be my last week, it is not at all a pleasant place.
Loretta & Earl thought of driving out, but found out after checking the gas situation they couldn’t make it that far and train connections are so poor, then I could of gone with them and returned with them.
I have a grand opportunity here of attending Mass daily at the chapel only one block away, and since I’ve heard of Russell’s death I remember him in my daily holy communion and Mass.
Enclose find a Mass.
Would like so much to hear from you folks.
With loving sympathy –

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Russ – letter-1944-03-24 from PFC Cletus Brown

Russ - letter-1944-03-24-from PFC Cletus Brown-envRuss - letter-1944-03-24-from PFC Cletus Brown-1 of 1

Dear Mr and Mrs Murphy:

I just received word from home about Russel’s tradjity. It was a shock to me as know doubt it was to you. I don’t know what to say, or do to relieve you of your sorrow. For me, my brother Robert and all of his many friends he had in Saginaw I send my deepest regrets.
I had heard he had completed his training as was now a pilot. He could have had a wonderful future in the air corps, as he must have been one of the best men, to be selected as an instructor.
He as well as the rest of your family have always rated as our best friends. I must admit that I admired him in making good in the air corps, and we all admire him even more in giving his life for his country. He is gone from this earth, but not forgotten, by his family, friends and the whole nation.
I will say prays for him as well as the other members of your family.
“Yours in time of sorrow” “Cletus”
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Russ – letter-1944-03-27-from Nellie Smith

Russ - letter-1944-03-27-from Nellie Smith-envRuss - letter-1944-03-27-from Nellie Smith-1 of 1

Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy
Elma, Iowa

Dear Sorrowing Friends: –

I have just received word from Mrs. Pollock telling me of your recent bereavement. It is difficult to adequately express our sympathy at such times. But when we too have lost our own dear ones, we can truthfully say “we know all about the heart-breaking experience”. So in that spirit I offer to you my full sympathy. I do know that we never fully recover from such calamities.
But we also must remember that there is an All-wise Providence who knows what is best for us, and for our loved ones, and who makes no mistakes.
We must have this faith and confidence in our Creator. So I pray that you may be comforted and sustained at this time. In the years to come may you realize more and more the blessedness of those who live forever in the presence of the Christ our Redeemer.
May this world conflict soon cease.
Sincerely in Sympathy
Mrs. Nellie K. Smith
Howard’s Grandmother
[Volga City, Iowa]

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